After beating MC to qualify for the semi-finals in Paris, aLive gave us the opportunity to ask him a few questions, a chance to get to know the very discreet aLive a bit better.
Iron Squid: How did you prepare for your match against MC?
Han “aLive” Lee Seok: I did not prepare anything in particular, I just incessantly practiced according to my routines.
When did you realize you had won?
I did not realize until I received gg from MC. It was that intense that the matches could have swung like a volatile pendulum towards either of us. Luckily, it came to me and so I was able to come out victorious from that blood bath
Are you happy to go to Paris?
I am excited to visit and play my remaining matches of this tournament in the capital of France
It will be your first time in Europe what do you expect?
I may be nervous as this is my first trip to a European nation. I am also excited and very content about playing in a unique venue as well.
Last time you went abroad, you won IPL4 how confident are you for Iron Squid?
I have gained even more confidence after winning IPL4. Thus, I am quite confident that I can take the Iron Squid tournament's crown as well
Will you prepare some specific builds for your games?
I have not prepared anything special in regards to strategies or builds. I have been consistently playing and focusing more on the rudimentary techniques.
Who do you think is the best in your 3 opponents?
All 3 players are very stellar and it is quite arduous to compare the three and to rank them in order. However, in my opinion, I think NesTea will be the toughest opponent to me.
You defeated MMA and NesTea during GSL and IPL, do you think they will prepare something special for you?
I think they may have prepared some counter builds to my playstyle, so I will try to improvise something or make some twists within the matches.
Some people say you don’t celebrate enough when you win, will you do something special if you win Iron Squid?
It is nothing like that. I am just both shy and embarrassed to be overly happy or execute any ceremony in front of so many spectators. I will try to do some in the near future if I can.
Any word to convince the fans to cheer for you in Paris?
Hi I am Lee Seok Han, aka FnaticaLive. I feel grateful to be in Paris and have the opportunity to directly show my games in front of all of the spectators from France and other visitors. I will always persevere and try my best under any circumstances, thus, please cheer for me! Thank you!
Legends have fallen in the group stage of the Iron Squid, but MMA is still in the run for another major title. We had an interview with him to try to get inside the head of the champion.
Iron Squid: How did you prepare for your match against PuMa?
Moon “MMA” Sung Won: We are sharing the same training facility and we met in semifinals at IEM 4 so we know each other pretty well so I just played how I always play.
Are you happy to go to Paris?
I am really happy about it and I want to make Paris an unforgettable memory in my life with good games. Every time I go to a foreign tournament I’m excited.
You have won tournament everywhere in the world, does your experience help you to feel less pressure in this Iron Squid?
Of course it does! After several times in foreign countries I am getting more experienced in traveling. Getting used to Jetlag is easier and I know how to take care of my conditions.
Are you excited to play in such a venue? Will the crowd generate some kind of stress for you?
If it would be possible I would like to go there a day in advance because I heard the venue is very stunning. And if a lot of people would come to the venue that would make me really strong.
Will you prepare some specific builds for your games?
That’s a secret :D
Who do you think is the best in your 3 opponents?
All three players are very amazing but if Nestea and I will make it to the finals I think we will show good games ;D
It has been a while since you have won a major title, how do you feel in this one?
That’s correct. That’s why I want to win this Iron Squid tournament.
SlayerS’ Terrans have been less dominating lately, do you have any thing that could explain this?
At the beginning when I did good Team Slayers did well and when I did badly my team did bad as well. So I need to play good for the sake of my Team.
BoxeR can’t play as much as he wants because of his injury, does he use this extra time to give you more advices?
Even if he can’t play that much he is a big support for the team and gives us strength. That’s how amazing he is.
Any word to convince the fans to cheer for you in Paris?
“ Bonjour? Je suis MMA. Merci. Je voudrais Champion . Bonne journée. !!“ (T/N: he actually answered in French and it means “Hi! I’m MMA, thanks! I would like to be champion. Have a nice day!!”)
Interviews by LeLfe, translation by Reis