Iron Squid - Two great rivals in Iron Squid



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Two great rivals in Iron Squid08/02/2012

The Gracken joins the Iron Squid line up and so does his Nemesis the Protoss president
<b>The Gracken & The President</b><br/>Idra & MC


IdrA is the character the community loves to hate, the bad boy is a real superstar on StarCraft II. But it is in game that the Zerg expresses his true talent, his brilliant macro allows him to step up and face the best Korean players. The one who is nicknamed “the Gracken” is one of the rare players who won a major tournament since Koreans are playing out of their homeland. IdrA is Evil Geniuses’ icon and thanks to his team’s partnership, he can practice in the Slayers’ house in South Korea.


After two GSL titles, MC went through rough time but the Protoss President  found the strength to come back even stronger. When he plays his best game, MC is nearly unstoppable as he uses his insane micro to put his opponent under a constant pressure. His last trip to Europe was filled with success as he won Home Story Cup 4 and MC surely wants to confirm his domination by winning in Paris which would be imply another great show from the Protoss. MC was just recruited by SK Gaming as the German powerhouse made him its star player.

irwain11/02/2012 12:49
Idra stefano tod MK... ce qui est marrant c'est que à chaque fois que je pense à un joueur qql jour après il apparaît dans votre liste d'invité. Vous avez vraiment un beau plateau de joueur, et surtout les plus médiatique, j'espère que vous ferez de ce tournoi le plus important qui sera réalisé en Europe. Bon pour terminer serait-il possible d'invité Kiwikaki (il manque de toss)??? ^^ Sinon je pense venir vous voire si vous faites un Event sur paris (un ptit show match elky vs Pomf et Thud en intro pourrai être sympa et nous rappèlerai notre bon vieux Broodwar^^) Continuez ainsi c'est fun!! Irwain (joueur protoss passé platine grâce au tuto 4 gate de thud^^)

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